As the world of technology continues to evolve and expand, it’s becoming increasingly clear that video will play a significant role in the future of online content. This sentiment has been echoed by YouTube’s Vice President of Global Content, Robert Kyncl, who recently predicted that video would soon drive 90% of all internet traffic. This shift towards video content presents a huge opportunity for small businesses to connect with their customers more engagingly and effectively.
In the past, many small businesses have shied away from video production for several reasons, such as budget constraints, lack of equipment, or not knowing what to make a video about. However, producing quality videos has become much easier in recent years, and the reasons that once held businesses back from making videos no longer hold as much weight. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 reasons why Utah small businesses should take advantage of video and how they can effectively incorporate it into their marketing strategy.
Help Customers Understand Your Offering:
Online shopping can be a challenge, as customers can’t physically experience your products or services in the same way they can in a brick-and-mortar store. Videos allow you to explain your offerings and share your personality in a way that can help customers better understand what you have to offer.
Create Memorable Videos:
Video content is much more memorable than other forms of online content, with 80% of people remembering videos they watch online. Additionally, videos can greatly increase a visitor’s understanding of a product, and users are 64% more likely to purchase after watching a video.
Entice People to Purchase from You:
With the power of the internet, you have the ability to reach a larger demographic of potential customers. A strong video strategy can help engage these customers and increase their purchase likelihood. Over 50% of people who view a video goes on to make a purchase.
Reach a Larger Demographic:
Everyone loves videos, and they can be used to connect with a variety of demographics. Educational videos can be a great way to reach a wider audience if done thoughtfully.
Pay Attention:
Mobile users tend to be more attentive to videos, with the average user spending 16 minutes and 49 seconds watching online video ads each month. As a small business owner in Utah, it’s important to have a mobile-first mentality and create engaging local videos that capture the attention of potential customers.
Improves Click-Through Rates:
Incorporating videos into your email marketing can greatly improve your click-through rates, with 60% of marketers reporting a drastic increase in email conversion rates. A simple thank you video can be a great place to start.
Make it Personal:
As a small business owner, your passion and dedication to your business should shine through in your videos. Talk directly to the camera, show your passion for what you do, and let people experience the reasons why you’re in business.
Rank Higher in Search Engines:
YouTube is the second largest search engine, and it’s owned by Google, the largest search engine. By posting videos on YouTube and sharing them on your website and social platforms, you can increase the value of your video and rank highly for keywords you wouldn’t otherwise be able to achieve through traditional SEO.
Share More than Just Business:
Be a friend on the internet by sharing more than just business information. Show your personality and share behind-the-scenes content to create a connection with your customers.
Video production has become more affordable, making it a cost-effective way for small businesses to connect with their customers and reach a larger audience.
When it comes down to it, video is a powerful tool for building an experience that your audience can brand you with. You’ll improve your success by harnessing the power of video marketing.